Hello Beautiful, 

Do you lack confidence in your profession, career, or occupation? It can happen to anyone, and I want to help you, if this is something happening to you. It is easy to lack confidence, but there are ways that you can restore or generate new confidence.  

Here are some quick tips to help you feel more confidence at work. 

  1. Think about someone who is confident, act, talk and walk like her. This is not being fake, but you are modeling a person as they –model the way. Model their mannerisms and behavior. If it works for them; see how you can modify it to work for you. 
  2. Smile a lot more, a whole lot! That doesn’t mean putting a grin on your face but show some teeth! When you meet people that smile a lot, they are usually in a good mood. A simple smile can help lift your mood.
  3. Learn from the past; do not beat yourself up about past mistakes. Instead learn from it for next time.
  4. Treat yourself to something new. Buy yourself some new clothes, get your hair done, or a facial. It will make you feel better and will give your ego a boost.
  5. Play to your strengths. Know what you are good at and expose yourself to these opportunities at every opportunity – because you’re good at it, you’ll enjoy it.
  6. Improve your weaknesses. Know and appreciate what these are and put a plan in place to improve.
  7. Learn how to say NO to people. Don’t be afraid to protect your peace and prioritize your time by telling people no, and –mean it!
  8. Be positive. Look on the “can do” side of things rather than the “can’t do”. You have accomplished lots in your life and will accomplish a lot more in the future.
  9. Control your mindset! Always oversee your thoughts. What is a thought? It’s a question that you have asked yourself and the thought is your answer. If you are thinking negative thoughts, STOP, asking yourself negative questions and answering. 
  10. Whenever you feel a negative thought coming, STOP, THINK, and say is this important in the grand scheme of things. Many people in life major in minor things!


You are in control of you! You may not be able to control how others think of you, but you can control how you think of yourself. Next week, I will share ten more tips on how to increase your confidence. Have you taken a She Words Master Class? If not, join us for a live session with Alicia Ramsey, to learn more about how to prioritize your life. Schedule to be a part of the next She Words Master Class– How to Find and Fulfill Your Purpose?